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Marilyn Monroe Painting - Theos Marilyn WW Blue by Theo Danella

Theo's Marilyn WW Blue is a painting by Theo Danella which was uploaded on June 11th, 2018.

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Comments (60)

Pedro Lucas

Pedro Lucas


Theo Danella replied:

Thank you

Gull G

Gull G

💖❣️💖Art provides an opportunity for kaleidoscopic thinking. Each time we shift the lens of our perceptions, we gain new perspectives — and new opportunities for innovation.💖❣️💖 CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECENT SALE OF A WONDERFUL WORK!

Theo Danella replied:

Thank you so much my dear

Mailey McAslan

Mailey McAslan


Theo Danella replied:

Thank you so much my dear

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your beautiful moving Special Feature! F/L

Theo Danella replied:

Thank you so much dear Gary

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Congratulations, on SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES FILM FESTIVAL FEATURE, in honour of (TIFF) Toronto International Film Festival, & TV Ontario’s SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES, hosted by Elwy Yost, for 25 years, in “Red Maple Gallery”, homepage group, of Fine Art America, September 2022.

Theo Danella replied:

Thank you very much dear Maria

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Congratulations on your super successful sale!

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much

Lorraine Palumbo

Lorraine Palumbo


Theo Danella replied:

thank you very much

Lorraine Palumbo

Lorraine Palumbo


Theo Danella replied:

very good

Lorraine Palumbo

Lorraine Palumbo

Simply beautiful!

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much

Lorraine Palumbo

Lorraine Palumbo

Nice work!

Theo Danella replied:

Thank you so much

Lorraine Palumbo

Lorraine Palumbo


Theo Danella replied:

Thank you :)

Lorraine Palumbo

Lorraine Palumbo

Nicely done!

Theo Danella replied:

thank you very much

Hartmut Jager

Hartmut Jager

🌸 THEO - Congratulation for being chosen as the 'ARTIST OF THE MONTH'S CORNER' - by the 'Daily Promotion' Group's Administrator ! 🏆

Theo Danella replied:

DANKE :) Thank you so much my dear Hartmut

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Maria Faria Rodrigues

Beautiful portrait of the famous actress, - voted in the Billboard contest.

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much my dear, but unfortunatly I didn't got the 100 for getting in the contest :/

PJ Lewis

PJ Lewis

I love painting "Norma Jean" and am so inspired by your work.

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much my dear

Alex Mir

Alex Mir

Congratulations on your sale of this amazing painting!

Theo Danella replied:

thank you very much dear Alex :D

Angela Whitehouse

Angela Whitehouse

Stunning beauty

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much my dear

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

This is a beautiful painting of Marilyn! Voted your entry in the Billboard contest. l/f

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much my dear Kay

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Lovely work!

Theo Danella replied:

thank you very much Please VOTE for my painting ❤🌹 ⁠ ⁠

Jenny Revitz Soper

Jenny Revitz Soper

CONGRATULATIONS! It is my great pleasure to FEATURE your artwork on the homepage of The Artists Group, 8/25/2021! You are invited to post it in the Group's Features Discussion thread for posterity or any other thread that fits!

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much my dear

Soraya D'Apuzzo

Soraya D'Apuzzo

CONGRATULATIONS Theo! I chose this excellent unique and creative image to be "SHOWN" among the 30 works selected on the Home Page in the Fine Art America group "DIGITAL ARTIST"!

Theo Danella replied:

thank you so much my dear

Renata Natale

Renata Natale

Very lovely work

Theo Danella replied:

😊 thank you so much my dear 😁⁠ Please VOTE for my painting ❤🌹 ⁠ ⁠

Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

Theo's Marilyn WW Blue is a beautiful Painting Theo

Theo Danella replied:

😊 thank you so much my dear 😁⁠ Please VOTE for my painting ❤🌹 ⁠ ⁠

David Neace

David Neace

Congratulations, your work is featured on the homepage of "Created by Southern Artists

Theo Danella replied:

Thank you so much my dear David :D would you be so kind and vote for me? link above your comment.... :*

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Theo's Marilyn WW Blue by Theo Danella
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