Santa Fe Baldy is a painting by Art West which was uploaded on August 3rd, 2012.
Santa Fe Baldy

by Art West
Original - Sold
Not Specified
54.000 x 32.000 x 1.500 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Santa Fe Baldy
Art West
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Thanks for visiting my artwork. I've only been with Fine Art America for a short time and really like their interface and business model. I'm still learning the ins and outs. What an honor to have my painting, Evening Shadows on a Round Taos House, featured on their homepage.
Santa Fe Baldy.
I stood breathless, exhilarated, thunder cracked in the distance as the clouds broke and the sun peeked brilliant yellow orange through the crooked juniper, the rains having barely touched the high desert valley stretched before me. In the distance the gold drenched peak beckoned me forward. Santa Fe dreams, Santa Fe Baldy, a distant mountain in relief against a magnificent southwest sky. A moment eternal, beyond poetry, beyond words which hinder and make small all that is. Paint is bigger. Catches a moment, holds it, sublime.
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August 3rd, 2012
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Comments (10)

Gull G
Art provides an opportunity for kaleidoscopic thinking. Each time we shift the lens of our perceptions, we gain new perspectives — and new opportunities for innovation. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECENT SALE OF AN WONDERFUL WORK!

Igor Kir
Very beautiful sky!
Art West replied:
Thank you Igor. I just finished my 2013 Calendar! Vintage Trucks and Cars. Very American. But you might like to see anyway. Here's a link: http://www.zazzle.com/2013_calendar_vintage_trucks_and_cars-158393049809937753?gl=AlanHeuer&rf=238139825278513298