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Flower Painting - Magnolia by Pieter Wagemans

Magnolia is a painting by Pieter Wagemans which was uploaded on November 10th, 2014.

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Comments (60)

Pieter Wagemans

Pieter Wagemans

Thank you Lea

Sandra Huston

Sandra Huston

Gorgeous still life artwork! fv

Alana Ranney

Alana Ranney

stunning work!!

Sheena A D

Sheena A D

Likes to see again and again! Very very excellent! Amazing art! Crazy flowers! All flowers are so natural!

Roman Bogurenko

Roman Bogurenko


Sule Aydos

Sule Aydos

It is like REAL

Julia Hiebaum

Julia Hiebaum

Beautiful floral still-life, Congratulations on your sale!

Guy Whiteley

Guy Whiteley

Congratulations, Pieter. Beautiful image.

Becky Lupe

Becky Lupe

Congratulations on your sale! Absolutely Beautiful! LF

Robert VanDerWal

Robert VanDerWal

Great detail work. Lovely composition and subject

Alexis Grone

Alexis Grone

Beautiful! Magnificent shading and detail! L/F

P J Lewis

P J Lewis

Sooooo very beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill Cannon

Bill Cannon

Congratulations on your sale!!!!!

Melinda Saminski

Melinda Saminski

Beautiful work! Congrats!

Sven Fischer

Sven Fischer

Congratulations on your sale!

Sunil Kapadia

Sunil Kapadia

Nice image. Congratulations on your sale!

Janina Nowak

Janina Nowak

Absolutely stunning! v/f

Luciana Toma

Luciana Toma


Nancy Ingersoll

Nancy Ingersoll


Olivia  M Dickerson

Olivia M Dickerson

Beautiful!!! Congratulations on your sale!

Terry Wallace

Terry Wallace

Very Beautiful! Congrats on your sale! Blessings!

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Magnolia by Pieter Wagemans
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