Dizzy Moon is a photograph by Scott Norris which was uploaded on September 14th, 2016.
Dizzy Moon

by Scott Norris
Dizzy Moon
Scott Norris
Photograph - Digital Photograph
I call this one Dizzy Moon for what may or may not be obvious reasons. But the title came only as I was finishing up my processing. In actuality, I had no real goal in mind when I shot it outside of creating an abstract. Well, that is not entirely true. I guess I wanted to play around and see what I could see. That in itself is a goal. You gotta try new things - that is when the "a ha!" moments occur.
So what is it? This is a long exposure of a laser pointer on a white folded piece of foam core in a dark room. I stood there taking shot after shot waving the laser around creating lines, shapes, dizzy circles, and even words. And I must admit, the theme from Star Wars did run through my head a few times while I was shooting! (cue the light saber sound effects)
I chose this photo out of the scores I shot because I love the organic feel of the light oval. And once the image color was inverted, it was also reminiscent of a moon rising above the ocean. That was a happy surprise - abother "a ha!" moment. I added a bit of texture to minimize the digital noise from the long dark exposure and did a small amount of exposure correction. Simple and fun.
Day 350 of my 365 photo a day project.
Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography
September 14th, 2016
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Comments (4)

Eric Copeman
Love the teal colour. I thought it was thin wire that was rolled up but that probably does not matter. :) Nice still life abstract!

Monica Mitchell
When I first saw this image I wasn't sure what I was looking at. I very much appreciated your sharing of the process and revelations during the process. I love your images of the leaves and what I think may be a tiled roof. I was took a photo of two sets of shoes. My sister said, a these are shoes, so? I explained look at the proximity of them, a man's pair and a woman's pair, not side by side, but facing each other one on its side, one upright, what was happening before, what happened after? The idea of that was really important to me. The image is lost in a phone that died long ago, wish I had it to share.